A warm welcome from our


“Our aim is to make learning fun, enjoyable and inspiring! If we can open children’s minds to accepting a challenge and enjoying meeting it, then we open a world of opportunities for them. Opportunities to meet with success, realise their potential and follow their dreams! Primary school children enjoying their learning is key to future success!”

Glenn Pollard headteacher at Horton Kirby c of e primary school
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Aletheia Academies Trust

Horton Kirby Church of England Primary School joined as a member of Aletheia Academies Trust in 2017.

Aletheia is committed to sustaining high-quality schools, and supporting schools in need of specific improvement in some of the more challenging wards in Kent. Our focus is to provide school improvement services that draw on the wealth of practice from across our trust, broaden the expertise available to schools through flexible working arrangements and increase our capacity to quickly respond to the needs of individual schools. Pedagogical excellence is at the heart of all we do with a sustained focus on collaborative and mastery learning.


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