
Geography Subject Leader: Mrs Cramer

For any more information on Horton Kirby’s Geography Curriculum, please contact the office.

Geography encourages pupils’ awareness of what is around them globally and locally, by enhancing their knowledge of countries, regions, cultures, and environments. 


In Geography, we aim to inspire a curiosity of the wider world and its people, developing an understanding of both physical and human processes, as well as the interactions between them. Focus will be placed on forming a deep understanding of diverse places and people and developing curiosity in the children. The Geographical understanding taught will aim to allow many opportunities for the children in developing respect and a sense of responsibility for the wider world and the people within. It will allow the children to navigate the diversity we find in our ever-varied society and wider world. Engaging topics, activities and trips will ensure children find Geography an exciting and aspirational subject and support them in developing a curious outlook on life. Context will be ensured through various methods and engaging activities, particularly focusing on local fieldwork opportunities.


Geography is taught throughout the year, with a constant focus on ensuring children have the opportunity to meet targets as set out by the National Curriculum. Geographical skills and concepts are essential components to a broad, immersive and diverse curriculum. Through teaching Geography, we will be fostering a sense of wonder and curiosity for the world surrounding the children as well as broadening their horizons by showing them the different cultures and opportunities outside of their local environment, something they may not be exposed to otherwise. This will ensure we inspire curiosity and respect throughout our school.

Consideration will be given to how learners will be aided to support the school’s commitment to inclusion. Geography lessons will be accessible to all, with teachers adapting and differentiating the expectations and activities to make them aspirational based on the needs of the children in their classes.


Geographical concepts will be visited continuously thus supporting the pupils’ long term memory of geographical ideas. Previous objectives taught will also be revisited across year groups, again to give the opportunity to build and develop the children’s long term memory.

Outcomes in books are evidence of a broad, balanced and aspirational Geography curriculum and demonstrate the children’s acquisition of key knowledge. Children will also self-assess their work at the end of each lesson, allowing them to be active in identifying areas where they may need support.

Geography in Each Stage

Within EYFS, children are guided to make sense of their physical world and community through a range of personal experiences. Within any good Early Years curriculum pupils are provided with opportunities to develop a range of highly transferable skills values and attributes, including: problem-solving, observation, collaboration, open-mindedness, courage, resilience, curiosity, integrity, and a sense of what is fair and equitable. These combine to allow them to explore, interpret and ‘experience’ the world around them, as well as providing the foundations on which all future learning can be built.


Click the link below to view our EYFS long-term plan:

EYFS Year Curriculum Overview

In KS1, pupils will begin to use correct terms for simple geographical features in the local environment. They will be able to name and locate the four countries of the United Kingdom, its capital city and its surrounding seas, as well as the world’s continents and oceans on a world map/globe. Additionally, pupils will learn about the environment in terms of pollution, the climate cycle, seasons and its changes.


Click the link below to view our year 1 and year 2 long-term plans:

Year 1 Curriculum Year Overview

Year 2 Curriculum Year Overview

In KS2, pupils will develop their geography skills learnt from KS1. They will use maps, atlases and digital mapping to locate countries with a focus on specific continents throughout the years. Pupils will use fieldwork to observe, measure, record and present the human and physical features in the local area.


Click the link below to view our year 3 – 4 long-term plan, and year 5 – 6 long-term plan:

Year 3 Curriculum Year Overview

Year 4 Curriculum Year Overview

Year 5 Curriculum Year Overview

Year 6 Curriculum Year Overview

Geography Progression

At Horton Kirby, we develop our pupil’s Geography understanding through essential skills; growing their depth of knowledge year on year. Through the use of ‘end of year expectations’, we are able to monitor their progress and allocate extra support and adaptations to the curriculum for pupils to maintain a strong Geography education.

Geography Big Ideas and Milestones


Geography Essential Skills Progression


Geography Long Term Plan


SEND Information

Consideration will be given to how learners will be aided to support the school’s commitment to inclusion. Geography lessons will be accessible to all, with teachers adapting and differentiating the expectations and activities based on the needs of the children in their classes.

Geography Extra Resources