Here you will find the reports from our last OFSTED & SIAMS inspections.
To see our current Key Stage Results, please visit the Key Stage Results page.
“Staff set ambitious aims for what pupils will achieve at Horton Kirby. These aims are fulfilled, particularly in early years, through a focused learning culture. ” – OFSTED 2023
Horton Kirby was pleased to receive a ‘GOOD’ rating with ‘OUTSTANDING’ early years provision from OFSTED after an inspection that took place in May 2023
The outcome highlights the quality of Horton Kirby CofE Primary School’s offering:
- Leaders have fostered an inclusive and supportive culture within the school.
- Support is available for pupils who need it, from ‘calm corners’ to more specialist counselling provision.
- Pupils benefit from a variety of visits supporting their wider development.
- Pupils show a determined attitude in their learning.
- Curriculum underpinned by stong values.
- Leaders support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) well. This enables all pupils to work towards those same ambitions.
View our report on OFSTED here

“Inspired by a well-known set of school values, a deeply supportive and nurturing culture ensures that every adult and pupil are championed. The wellbeing of all is a priority, and as a direct result of this, the whole school community thrives.”. – SIAMS 2023
Horton Kirby C of E Primary had its School Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools in October 2023.
The report highlighted many strengths of its provision, including:
- Leaders have created a wide range learning opportunities that meet the needs of all. Pupils regularly encounter life beyond the classroom through engaging experiences and trips . This promotes curiosity and a life-long love of learning.
- Recent improvements to the religious education (RE) curriculum have transformed the provision, profile and place of the subject in the school. Pupils are engaged and have a wide appreciation of diversity within religions studied.
- Pupils are encouraged to think about others and are empowered to be responsible citizens locally and globally. Kindness, service and mutual respect shape how everyone treats one another.
The inspection found that there were also areas that needed to be addressed relating to the school’s Christian Vision and its Collective Worship. For other areas of development, please see full report via the link below.
You can also search for and download a copy of our SIAMS report here.