Vision and values

Our Vision and Ethos

Our school vision is to be a centre of excellence by providing a stimulating, safe, enjoyable and happy community. Where every child reaches their full potential to prepare for adult life. We wish for every individual to have a life-long passion for learning while creating memorable experiences and staying true to themselves. 

Our School Values

All individuals work together to ensure every one is the best they can be, in order to reach their full potential and be prepared for the challenges and rewards of life. Horton Kirby illustrates their school values through the Horton Heroes. These were created through the Pupil Voice Leadership Group to encourage inclusivity and perseverance across their school years.

Helping each other

Open your imagination

Remember to concentrate

Take risks and ask questions

Overcome challenges

Never say… “I can’t….”. Instead, say “I’m learning to…”

horton heroes graphic at horton kirby primary school to demonstrate their school values

Our Mission

At Horton Kirby, we pride ourselves on being a welcoming, passionate and supportive team who celebrates achievement and difference. We have high aspirations and expectations whilst nurturing strong staff-pupil relationships and strong leadership at all levels. We value and respect each other and celebrate the diversity in our school and the wider community. We provide a welcoming, inclusive environment where everyone’s thoughts, ideas, beliefs and differences are valued.

We create a stimulating, broad and balanced curriculum with high expectations for success. Our school provides a learning environment that is designed to support and challenge the wide variety of children in our care. We have a culture that promotes learning and pedagogical excellence, whilst our rich, natural environment provides an opportunity to extend learning in a unique, exciting way. Our school promotes safety, compassion and support. Each pupil’s self-esteem is fostered by positive relationships with staff, effective communication with parents and strong links with the community.  We ensure our pupils have every opportunity to become responsible citizens, as well as lifelong leaders and learners.

Our Christian Values

We promote strong Christian values, where children are appropriately supported and challenged to succeed. These values help to promote the principles of life that Jesus taught.

horton kirby icon of two hands shaking to show respect

Respect –  A Christian value is to be conscious that God has created all people in His image. As a response, we show respect to all and treat others as we wish to be treated.

And Jesus commanded his followers to ‘care for one another, as I have cared for you’ – John 13: 34

horton kirby icon showing someone holding the world in their hands to demonstrate responsibility

Responsibility – We are called to be responsible stewards of God’s creation. We should recognise when we are at fault, do jobs to the best of our ability, look after others and care for the environment.

God said to human beings, ‘Fill the earth with people and look after it. Care for all that I have made’. – Genesis 1:27

horton kirby logo of a shield to demonstrate resilience

Resilience – Nothing will be impossible with God. It is the quality of being able to adapt to stressful life changes and ‘bounce back’ from hardship. 

“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me”. – Philippians 4:13

horton kirby icon showing a thought bubble to demonstrate reflection

Reflection – Christians need to regularly step back and reflect on their hearts and motivations to preserve their own relationship with God.

“As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart”. – Proverbs 27:19

Our British Values

As part of Aletheia Academies Trust, Horton Kirby is committed to Fundamental British Values:

The Trust actively promotes British Values in all of our academies. We aim to establish a strong community where all pupils are encouraged to demonstrate respect and tolerance through an inclusive nature regardless of faith, race and culture. 

  • Democracy
  • Rule of Law
  • Individual Liberty
  • Mutual Respect
  • Tolerance of those in our society of different faiths and beliefs

Equality Objectives

Aletheia Academies Trust’s overarching Equality Objectives are stated below and within our Single Equality Scheme and are updated at least every two years, these are:

  • To use performance data to monitor student achievement and respond to variations between groups of learners, subjects, courses and key stages, trends over time and comparisons with other schools.
  • To provide professional development which continues to support staff to promote equality and diversity routinely in their daily activity.
  • To provide an environment that welcomes protects and respects diverse people.
  • To ensure that all students are given the opportunity to make a positive contribution to the life of the school.
  • Foster ownership amongst our students for the development of a set of positive behaviours which reflect the very best in all cultures, but reaffirm the understanding of and compliance with the rule of British law and British Values.
  • To address cultural events through year worship activities to increase student awareness and understanding of issues in different communities