
Science Subject Leader: Miss H Johnson

For any more information on Horton Kirby’s Science Curriculum, please contact the office.

As a core subject, children are able to learn in a variety of different ways about how the world works. We encourage our pupils to be curious about how things work and give them the skills to develop key knowledge of the application of science.


At Horton Kirby, our Science curriculum aims to inspire all children to build upon their natural curiosity to develop skills of scientific enquiry, questioning and experimenting to build an understanding of the world around them. Our curriculum is aspirational and children build upon their knowledge throughout the school. They learn to appreciate the work of famous scientists from a range of cultures and points in history and how they have influenced and shaped the world today. This enables children to become aware of a range of opportunities within Science.

pupils writing in science books about heart rate facts at horton kirby primary



Pupils become scientists by being encouraged to question, observe, classify, predict, create a fair test and draw conclusions. These are skills that are built upon over time and with repeated opportunities for practical experiences to ensure that scientific understanding, skills and vocabulary are embedded over time. Children are taught the relevant vocabulary at the start of each topic to enable all children to excel in Science. Pupils are inspired by investigating the world around them through enquiry and practical experiments.  In term 6, each year group consolidate their learning throughout the year through investigating Scientists who have changed the world through their work.  Lessons are adapted to meet the need of all pupils, meaning everyone has equal opportunities.


Our local, natural environment allows children across the school to experience the natural world and natural processes which take place. Throughout the school, curiosity and investigation are actively encouraged and children are keen to ask questions and investigate. Children are excited about their learning and are effectively challenged and supported to reach their full potential. Children are conscientious and have respect for the world around them. Children are able to talk about their learning confidently, using scientific vocabulary and displaying long-term memory about key concepts. Curriculum monitoring shows that learning is comprehensive, and logically sequenced, with no gaps in teaching and learning.

children at horton kirby primary holding a bearded dragon in their science lesson

Science in Each Stage

At EYFS, pupils will show curiosity about objects, events and people by exploring, playing and engaging in new experiences around Science. Pupils will handle equipment and tools effectively while learning about animals, plants and vehicles.

Click the link below to view our EYFS and year 1 long-term plans:

EYFS Curriculum Overview

mixture of dinosaur toys for eyfs at horton kirby primary school

In KS1, pupils will explore the world around them, be able to ask relevant questions and set up simple practical equipment. Pupils will be able to identify, describe, compare and name a variety of common animals.

Year 1 Curriculum Overview

Year 2 Curriculum Overview

In KS2, pupils will learn a range of different topics including plants, animals, humans, nutrition, fossils and more. This helps pupils to develop a deeper understanding of scientific ideas.

Year 3 Curriculum Overview

Year 4 Curriculum Overview

Year 5 Curriculum Overview

Year 6 Curriculum Overview

Science Progression

At Horton Kirby, we develop our pupil’s Science understanding through essential skills; growing their depth of knowledge year on year. Through the use of ‘end of year expectations’, we are able to monitor their progress and allocate extra support and adaptations to the curriculum for pupils to maintain a strong Science education.

Science Long Term Plan


SEND Information

At Horton Kirby, our Science curriculum is aspirational and children build upon their knowledge throughout the school. They learn to appreciate the work of famous scientists from a range of cultures and points in history and how they have influenced and shaped the world today, including Scientists and inventors with disabilities such as Louis Braille.

Skills are built upon over time, with repeated opportunities for practical experiences to ensure that scientific understanding, skills and vocabulary are embedded. Children are taught the relevant vocabulary at the start of each topic to enable all children to excel in Science. Pupils are inspired by investigating the world around them through enquiry and practical experiments.  In term 6, each year group consolidate their learning throughout the year by investigating Scientists who have changed the world through their work.  Lessons are adapted to meet the need of all pupils, meaning everyone has equal opportunities.  

Science Extra Resources