Physical Education Subject Leader: Miss B Harper
For any more information on Horton Kirby’s Physical Education Curriculum, please contact the office.
By embedding a high-quality physical education curriculum, it helps to inspire our pupils to excel in competitive sports; providing opportunities for pupils to sustain their health and fitness.
At Horton Kirby Church of England Primary School, our curriculum enables our pupils to develop the skills and competences to take part in a wide range of competitive sports and activities, build their confidence, physical skills, sporting talents and lead healthy active lifestyles. The PE curriculum and lessons are adapted for pupils with SEND and opportunities for challenge, for confident and skilled pupils.
Through our PE lessons and sporting opportunities children develop personal characteristics such as resilience, collaboration, fairness and respect.
By creating an exciting, varied programme of study we aim to improve attendance by ensuring children enjoy being in school and get opportunities to thrive.

Our PE curriculum reflects the objectives from Complete PE and Maestro Cornerstones, which follow National Curriculum objectives, adapted to the needs of our pupils. Pupils have at least 2 hours of PE a week through lessons and develop the skills and tactics that are transferable in competitive sports.
Skills are logically sequenced, built upon and regularly revisited with physical practice, in order to aid long-term memory.
Activities during playtimes and lunchtimes also support physical fitness and provide opportunities for pupils to lead and play active games. Pupils can access further sporting opportunities through a range of lunchtime and after-school clubs. The school organises an Annual Sports Day for KS1 and KS2 as well as other opportunities that promote sports. These give children experiences of competing in sports to audiences. The school plays a full part in sporting competitions giving pupils of all abilities and ages the opportunity to represent the school in House matches, in local and regional competitions.
Monitoring shows that PE lessons occur when they should and that these lessons follow curriculum objectives in building skills for long-term physical and mental memory. Children are able to talk about what they learn, use technical vocabulary and evaluate their performance. They can suggest improvements for themselves and others.

Physical Education in Each Stage
In EYFS, pupils will learn a variety of skills including dancing, jumping, hopping, sprinting and more. Throughout the year, pupils will participate in competitive games to prepare them for our multi-skills Sports Day at the end of the year.
Click the link below to view our EYFS long-term plan:

In KS1, pupils will participate in numerous activities to enable them to get confidence in PE. Pupils will build on their existing skills learnt in EYFS for better balance, accuracy and stamina. They will get a chance to play invasion games, participate in hockey, explore gymnastic skills and learn about health-related exercises.
Click the link below to view our year 1 and year 2 long-term plans:

In KS2, pupils will adapt their PE knowledge and skills to advance, succeed and excel in team games. Pupils will demonstrate a wide range of actions with precision, control and fluency.
In Year 4, as part of the curriculum, pupils will begin swimming lessons. This starts with swimming 20 meters across the pool and swimming 10 meters front crawl and backstroke, to finally swimming 25 meters unaided and being able to carry out own life-saving skills in year 6.
Click the link below to view our year 3 – 4 long-term plan, and year 5 – 6 long-term plan:
Year 3 Curriculum Year Overview
Year 4 Curriculum Year Overview

Physical Education Progression
At Horton Kirby, we develop our pupil’s PE understanding through essential skills; growing their depth of knowledge year on year. Through the use of ‘end of year expectations’, we are able to monitor their progress and allocate extra support and adaptations to the curriculum for pupils to maintain a strong Physical Education.
SEND Information
PE lessons are adapted for SEND and more able pupils are challenged and given opportunities to lead and demonstrate.