Year 6 – Redwood Class

Class Information

Year 6 Class Teacher (and KS2 Lead): Mr Millbank

Year 6 Higher Level Class Teaching Assistant: Mrs Gardiner and Mrs Balkwill

redwood class icon

Welcome to Redwood Class (Year 6)

Welcome to Redwood Class. Within our class page parents and children will find range of information about what the class will be learning about in year 6 throughout the year and how the school day is structured each week / term.  There is also access to other useful documents such as key dates, medium term plans, parent letter for the year and homework.  If you have any questions or concerns then please contact me on Seesaw or on the playground and I’ll be happy to help.

Year 6 is such a busy year and I’m sure all children will learn lots along the way and have fun!

Year 6 Long Term Plan


Our timetable can be downloaded below. Here, parents and pupils have the opportunity to view the class schedule to see the day-to-day routine including the range of curriculum that is covered. We have found that children with SEND have responded well to visually seeing the structure of the day ahead.

Redwood Class Timetable

Terms/Topic Information

Our learning this year will be based on the topics below and will change accordingly each term. Parents will receive a Topic Web and ‘Did You Know’ at the start of each term informing them about what the children will be learning. This will also be available below to download.

At Horton Kirby Church of England Primary School, we have introduced ‘100 Things Before I Leave Horton Kirby Primary, this helps to give children the opportunity to tick off big items throughout their primary years. The experiences and activities KS2 get to complete include:

#3 Stargaze at Greenwich Observatory and Planetarium
#7 Learn to swim
#8 Learn to ride a bicycle safely on a road
#9 Go on a trip away from home
#14 Kayak and canoe
#21 Ride a zip wire
#41 Cook a meal from scratch
#48 Take part in a Talent Show (Horton Kirby’s Got Talent)
#52 Help a charity
#96 Apply for a job (Head Girl/Boy)
#97 Be a tour guide

More Infomation about the subjects can be found on our curriculum pages

Home Learning


Throughout the year, children should choose reading books within their accelerated reader ZPD band that they will be reading both in school and at home.  This book can be one from school or one that they have at home and would like to read (ideally a book that is on the Accelerated reader). This can be checked on: .

Reading books should come home on a daily basis and children should read each night.  As a school, we are always trying to improve parental engagement with reading, therefore where and when possible, we would encourage you to hear your child read aloud.  If you do get the chance to do this with your child then please sign and date their reading record with the page that they have read up to each time that they have read.  Every time your child reads with an adult than can colour in a star on their reading chart (stuck within their reading record) to work towards a bronze, silver or gold reading award.

When reading with your child, please ask questions about the text and discuss vocabulary with them – this is very useful as is encouraging your child to record new vocabulary with the meaning so that they can use this within their own writing where possible.

Once your child has finished a reading book they should take an ‘accelerated reader’ quiz about the book they have just read.  If your child scores 100% on the quiz their name will go onto the 100% board and they will have the chance of winning a prize at the end of the term. If children are reading larger books, it may be a case that it takes them the entire term to read their book which is fine.

Homework Folder:

  • Comprehension & Maths – Homework will be sent home with the children each Friday in their homework folder. Children must complete the allocated sheets per week then self-mark it at home (with a parent) using the answers provided within the folder. Children will need to bring their homework folder into school by Friday each week so that I can check that all homework has been completed and identify any areas of difficulty.  Please note that at the start of the school year there may be questions that the children have difficulty with as these skills may not have been covered in class yet – if this is the case children can either attempt it or leave it. Children’s homework scores should progressively improve as more objectives are covered within lessons as the year progresses.
  • Spellings – Spellings will be set each Friday on ‘Spelling Shed’ and will expire 6 days later. Children should log in using their given username and password (these are stuck into their reading diaries) and practise their spellings at least 5 times each week.  They will be quizzed on a selection of these spellings as a dictation task every week.
  • Times Tables Rockstars: All children must complete a minimum of 5 studio games on TTRS each week.  These games will be set each Friday and expire 6 days later. The children’s usernames and passwords are stuck in their reading diaries.

*Any homework that is not completed may need completing in school during break time – if there is an issue with your child completing or keeping up to date with their homework then please contact me via SeeSaw or speak to me on the playground after school.

Useful Parent Resources in Year 6

For further useful resources, please visit each curriculum page.