Mr G Pollard

G Pollard


Extra Responsibilities:

Designated Safeguarding Lead and SIAMs Lead


Designated Safeguarding Lead

About Glenn Pollard

Glenn has vast primary leadership experience; working in schools across North West Kent for over 25 years. April 2010 saw him start at Horton Kirby as Headteacher and he has been here since then guiding the school through academisation within the Aletheia Academies Trust. His qualifications include a BEd (Hons) and NPQH.

Glenn is passionate about giving all children the right opportunities to succeed and providing the best education possible for all. He also looks to constantly develop the staff within school; from mentoring two parent helpers through being Teaching Assistants, HLTAs and finally qualified teachers, to serving teachers with leadership training. He advocates that we never stop learning and developing and that this is a journey we are all on together.